For Students/Student Groups:
Why should I go to Fresh Check Day?
College comes with a lot of stress and challenges, but there are also a lot of resources and supports on your campus and in your surrounding community. At Fresh Check Day, you can learn more about these resources and different ways you can take care of yourself and your peers, while de-stressing in the process!
Can I still go even if I’m not depressed or suicidal?
Absolutely! Fresh Check Day is for everyone and is your school’s way of saying, “We care about our students.” Additionally, suicide effects the entire community, and it takes the efforts of the entire community to prevent suicide. By showing your support for the cause at Fresh Check Day, you may be giving a peer the encouragement he or she needs to seek help. Learn more about how you can reach out to help someone at
How can I help out with the event?
There are many ways students can get involved in Fresh Check Day, whether your student organization runs a booth activity, you’re a part of a performance group that can provide entertainment, or you are able to get the word out and publicize the event. Visit your school‘s Fresh Check Day page and contact your school’s Fresh Check Day coordinator to see what volunteer opportunities may be available.
Where can I get help?
Getting help for yourself or a friend is a big step. Call your campus Counseling/Disabilities Services and ask for an appointment or referral. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If this is an emergency, call 9-1-1. Visit our Resources page for additional links and information.
For Schools:
Why would I want to bring Fresh Check Day to my school?
There are so many reasons to consider hosting a Fresh Check Day at your school. If the alarming statistics surrounding college student mental health aren’t reason enough, here are just a few more:
- Shows students, staff, and the community that mental health promotion and suicide prevention is taken seriously at your school
- Provides an opportunity to receive outside assistance (and funds) in planning mental health programming
- Has a potential to reach a wider and more diverse audience than traditional suicide prevention programming due to its fun and engaging atmosphere
- Utilizes peer-to-peer messaging to engage students within their own social group
- Engages students through interactive activities, as opposed to passive educational tabling
What are the proven benefits of the Fresh Check model?
Research supports that peer-to-peer education is one of the most effective ways to educate students, especially when we are talking about suicide and mental health. In addition to utilizing peer-to-peer messaging, Fresh Check Day booths are all carefully informed by The Jed Foundation’s Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion. Find out how here. Additionally, after attending Fresh Check Day, 91% of students are more aware of available mental health resources, 90% feel more comfortable helping a friend in need, and 79% say they are more likely to seek help if experiencing distress (data from Fall 2014 Fresh Check Day exit surveys).
Will any students come to a “suicide prevention” program?
They will come to this one! In order to attract all students, and not just the small pocket of students that would typically attend a mental health related program, Fresh Check Day does not advertise itself as a “suicide prevention” event, but rather a fun social event with music, food, and prize incentives. We hear again and again that if there is food and free stuff, students will come. Fresh Check Day gets students to show up and once they are there, we infuse the messaging in a fun and engaging way that makes them want to come back.
Can I just have a little Fresh Check booth as a part of my school’s other programming?
We require at least 5 booths at a Fresh Check Day. If you are looking for something smaller, please check out our standalone 9 out of 10 program. Visit to learn more about this program and contact us if you would like to see “9 out of 10” hit the streets of your campus.
How much will Fresh Check Day cost my university?
It depends! School budgets for Fresh Check Day vary greatly. Please contact us for more information. Once you’ve inquired about hosting Fresh Check Day, you’ll receive a detailed breakdown of what we provide and what the school is expected to provide.
We are mostly a commuter campus. Will Fresh Check Day work for us?
All kinds of schools are making Fresh Check Day work on their campus, ranging from large 4-year universities to small community colleges. Commuter schools certainly pose a unique challenge when it comes to getting students to attend, but we work with you to capitalize on what works for your campus culture and to design extra incentives for student participation . We also work to engage local community organizations to showcase surrounding resources – this takes some pressure off of supplying adequate student group participation, which is often limited on commuter campuses.
Who plans the event?
Your school will have a Fresh Check Day chairperson who maintains contact with national office. The chairperson is advised to delegate planning tasks to a committee, utilizing a variety of departments on campus, and in the community.
How do I get started?
Visit “Bring Fresh Check Day to Your School” on this website to get started.
What’s the timeline for planning the event?
We recommend that planning begin more than a semester prior to your event date. The earlier key logistics are confirmed, the easier and less stressful the planning process will be. The chairperson of your Fresh Check Day committee will be responsible for completing and returning online status reports with key information at 2 months, 1 month, and 2 weeks prior to the event.