
Fresh Check Day is all about talking openly about mental health, connecting students with resources, and making sure you know that you are not alone! Here are some suggestions for getting help as well as some links to local and national resources that might be helpful for you or a friend.

Where can I get help on a college campus? Try:

  • Campus Counseling Center
  • Campus Police
  • Student Health Services
  • Resident Assistant
  • Women’s Center, LGBTQ Center, etc.
  • Hospital Emergency Room
  • Talk to a trusted professor, adviser, coach, etc.

FOR IMMEDIATE HELP: Call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

800-273-8255 Available 24/7

Lifeline Crisis Chat Available 2pm-2am EST


Military/Veterans: Press 1
  • NINE OUT OF TEN: 1 out of 10 college students contemplates suicide. That leaves nine, given the resources, to reach out and help that one friend who may be struggling. This site empowers peers to be one of the nine by highlighting signs of concern and explaining how you, as a friend, can help.  This is an original program of the Jordan Porco Foundation.
  • THE JED FOUNDATION: As the nation’s leading organization working to promote emotional health and prevent suicide among college students, The Jed Foundation is protecting the mental health of students across the country.
  • LOVE IS LOUDER: Started by The Jed Foundation, MTV, and Brittany Snow, Love is Louder supports anyone feeling mistreated, misunderstood, or alone. It’s hundreds of thousands of people like you who have turned this idea into a movement of all types of people who have come together to raise the volume around the message that love and support are louder than any internal or external voice that brings us down.
  • HALF OF US: This campaign with mtvU uses stories of students and high-profile artists to increase awareness about mental health problems and the importance of getting help. You can view video stories, learn more about emotional disorders, and support others by becoming an advocate and downloading the My Mood Ring application for your Facebook page.
  • U LIFELINE: This is an anonymous online resources to learn more about your thoughts and feelings, and to reach out for help if necessary. You can take a confidential screening, research mental health conditions, or locate resources on your campus.
  • ACTIVE MINDS:  By supporting campus-based chapters, Active Minds empowers students to speak openly about mental health in order to educate others and encourage help-seeking. Consider starting a chapter at your school or join one that already exists.
  • THE TREVOR PROJECT: The leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth.
  • The Trevor Lifeline: If you need support, please call 866-488-7386.
  • IT GETS BETTER PROJECT: The It Gets Better Project’s mission is to communicate to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth around the world that it gets better, an to create and inspire the changes needed to make it better.
  • REACH OUT: The Inspire USA Foundation has blogs and resources for students, by students, to help you get through tough times.
  • PREVENT SUICIDE CT: Connecticut’s Suicide Advisory Board site, encouraging you to be the 1 to start the conversation.
  • TRANSITION YEAR: The Jed Foundation created this online resources and checklist for selecting and preparing for college.
  • TURNING POINT CT: Developed by teens and young adults in Connecticut to guide young people in their search for mental wellness. The website features peer support and advice through questions & answers, a discussion forum, personal stories and videos. Check out their video below: