What started as one event in 2012 has grown to over 1,400 Fresh Check Days at more than 370 colleges and universities in 45 states, impacting over 250,000 college students – and these numbers continue to grow!
“We loved the experience of Fresh Check Day. I will never forget within twenty minutes of the event, looking around and seeing students everywhere. You could hardly walk through the event. I nearly burst into tears! It was heartwarming! Thank you for all your help.”
Fresh Check Day coordinator
“One student shared that the event gave them the courage to speak to their close friends about their mental health diagnosis and that they cannot wait for next year’s event.”
Fresh Check Day coordinator
“As a student who has attempted suicide twice, I love Fresh Check Day. It is very important for everyone to feel loved and safe.”
Fresh Check Day participant
“We couldn’t have asked for a better process and product. The support we received from the Foundation was tremendous! Most importantly however, the event itself carries a wave of momentum and positive spirit that I believe allows students to participate, share, and reflect upon issues in an incredibly healthy and community-oriented way. We have no doubt that this event saves lives – we have heard specific stories to evidence this.”
Fresh Check Day coordinator
“I think this was a very informative and eye-opening experience into mental health stigma, help, and services available. I feel more comfortable discussing mental health concerns now and know where to go and how I can get help.”
Fresh Check Day participant
“I LOVE Fresh Check Day! I think it is a critical program for college students. As a survivor of a suicide attempt, I felt loved and seen during the festivities of Fresh Check Day. I also felt empowered to reach out my hand to other struggling peers. This is an integral part of college programming.”
-Fresh Check Day participant
“I’ve heard nothing but positive, wonderful things about the event from students, administrators, and staff. Students felt it was something different and new and enjoyed the engagement/interactive nature of the event.”
Fresh Check Day coordinator