As many of us transition into a virtual world where we are working and learning from home, it is more important than ever to find ways to stay connected and take care of our mental health. Because of the impact COVID-19 has had on colleges and universities throughout the country, many have had to make the decision to postpone or cancel Fresh Check Day. We have received several inquiries about making Fresh Check Day a virtual experience for students in this time of remote learning and social distancing.
With COVID-19 changing the way we work and learn rapidly, the Jordan Porco Foundation wants to make sure that YOU are being kind to yourseld during this difficult transition. We may not be able to bring the fun fair-like atmospher of Fresh Check Day to your living room but, we have put together a selection of Fresh Check Day activities that can be done at home. While in quarantine it is important to check-in with your mental health. These six activities will help reduce stress, get your body moving, put you in a positive mindset, and more! Check out the Fresh Check Day Newsletter for more materials.